The library will be CLOSED Sunday, April 20, 2025, in observance of Easter Sunday.
Gallery space is available for exhibits of artwork particularly of local and regional artists. Westlake Porter Public Library provides this space to feature art, as part of the library’s cultural mission. The library is a central community gathering place, and its easy public accessibility and numerous hours of operation make WPPL’s space an advantageous public venue. Having artwork in the library also enhances the library’s environment for patrons, and helps to promote both art and artists. While all artwork will be considered, this space is not provided for commercial, nor for specifically religious or political purposes. Westlake Porter Public Library makes the final decision on the content and arrangement of all Gallery Exhibits accepted.
Other selection guidelines for exhibits include:
In return for the opportunity to exhibit at the library, WPPL requests a commission of 20% for any artwork sold.
WPPL assumes no liability for items installed, displayed or exhibited. The library does not insure exhibits.
Individual artists must apply in advance to exhibit their work at the WPPL. Copies of slides, photographs or color copies of the work may be requested prior to approval for use of the space. An itemized list of the artworks to be exhibited, an artist’s biography, and an artist’s statement must be submitted prior to the installation of the exhibit. Artists and groups approved to exhibit their work at WPPL will be given specific scheduled dates after their work has been evaluated. Artists displaying artwork for two consecutive years should have at least 50% new artwork from the previous year. Once an artist has been selected to display artwork at WPPL, exhibitors must comply with the dates/times established for setting up and taking down artwork. Assistance will be provided, but the artist or artist’s representative must be present and assist with both hanging and taking down the exhibit.
Other exhibiting logistics & policies are:
Library sponsored or co-sponsored exhibits take precedence over other exhibits at all times and the library reserves the right to, without notice, cancel the use of the display areas by outside exhibitors if the Library Director or Library Board of Trustees determines that the display space is needed for library purposes.
Artwork must be ready for exhibition with two-dimensional work having proper matting, framing, and wire for hanging. Three-dimensional work should be ready for the display cases and all work must be tagged on the back with title. Any work not conforming to these standards will not be exhibited. All items must be labeled with the artist’s name, the title of work, and price or “NFS”.
The Library's hanging system allows for some flexibility in the height and location of paintings. No additional hooks, nails, or other fasteners will be attached to the walls of the Library. Additional hangers are available.
Exhibitors may book one of the Library's Meeting Rooms for a “Meet the Artist” reception.
The Library coordinates display for all exhibits and as a courtesy to exhibitors, the Library will facilitate publicity about the exhibit and may include some promotion such as press releases to local and regional newspapers, calendars, and brochures. If an artist contacts, on his/her own, any local media, the artist must inform the library.
Applications may be picked up from the Group Services office or the Reception Desk.
The Free Little Art Gallery (FLAG) is a micro art gallery. It is a place to give and discover art. Westlake Porter Public Library’s FLAG will follow the motto “Make Art, Take Art. Freely.” It is meant to spark creativity and build community. Visitors of all ages and abilities are encouraged to make and donate small pieces of art to the gallery, take a piece from the gallery, or both.
WPPL assumes no liability for items installed, displayed, or exhibited. Any art placed in the FLAG becomes the library's property until claimed by a visitor. The library does not insure exhibits. If an artist independently contacts any media regarding the exhibit, the artist must inform the library. All art contributed should be family friendly. WPPL staff reserves the right to remove art not deemed appropriate.
All art pieces in the FLAG will be offered free of charge. No fees will be paid to place art in the FLAG or to remove art from the FLAG. Art will be available on a first-come, first-served basis, with a limit of one piece per person per day. WPPL will accept pieces of art mailed to the library, but no art pieces can be requested to be sent from the gallery by mail, or to be held for pick-up. No food, fragranced items or skin care products will be allowed in the FLAG. All artwork submitted to the FLAG must fit in the designated space. Each of the three shelves is approximately 8” deep x 21” wide x 12” high. WPPL prefers art to be no larger than 4”x 4” x 6” but will display larger pieces as space allows. Visitors can add art if there is space, otherwise pieces can be left at the Ask Us desk. WPPL staff will maintain and supply the FLAG when needed, including rotating art to fit a theme or give other pieces a chance to be displayed.
Artists will be allowed to attach contact information to their pieces of art, which may appear on social media. The FLAG will be located inside WPPL and be accessible during WPPL business hours. FLAG rules will be posted near the FLAG and available online.
27333 Center Ridge Road
Westlake, OH 44145-3947
Monday – Thursday: 9 am - 9 pm
Friday & Saturday: 9 am - 6 pm
Sunday: 1 pm - 5 pm